Civic Trust AGM Sunday 20 November

This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday 20 November at 3.30pm at the Old Folks’ Association Hall, in Gundry St, Newton. It is just off Karangahape Rd, at the Ponsonby/Newton Rd end.  Our guest speaker will be historian Edward Bennett, an expert on the Ponsonby and K’Rd areas. He...

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Scott Homestead photographed on 13 October 2012 by Allan Matson

Scott Homestead Open Day for Heritage Festival

Once again, due to popular demand, as part of the annual Auckland Heritage Festival, Civic Trust is having an open day at the Scott Homestead. The restored 1877 homestead  is picturesquely situated at the end of the Mahurangi Peninsula, past Snell’s Beach, in the Mahurangi East Regional Park. Once a...

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Devonport’s “Castle” Venue for 2nd Winter Lecture

  This highly prominent property, well-known in Devonport, could be described as an urban farm, and the house is known by locals as “the castle.” Originally there was a large two-storey ornate villa and stables on a large site.  The stables had collapsed and the villa was not in a good condition.  A previous...

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Garden Party at Kinder House

Civic Trust invites you to the lovely setting of Kinder House and Garden at 2 Ayr St, Parnell.Refreshments served, including wine and juice.Musical entertainment will be provided.RSVP for catering purposes to:Margaret Barriball, Ph: 631 5260 orEmail: welcomed.

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Civic Trust at Grey Lynn Festival Saturday 28 November

This Saturday 28 November is the iconic Grey Lynn Festival, held in the Grey Lynn Park. This is the second time Civic Trust has run a stall at the festival. Our aims are to raise awareness of heritage issues in Auckland, to educate about the Unitary Plan process, and of...

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Auckland Heritage Festival

John Adam, landscape historian, shares his knowledge of how to undertake historical research, Saturday 3 October and Thursday 8 October 12.30 – 1.30 pm. Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall, Freyberg Place. No bookings required. Free.   Allan Matson, heritage expert and Civic Trust President gives an update on the outlook...

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Winter Lecture Series: 123 Grafton Rd Its History and Restoration

123 Grafton Rd is the sole remainder of the grand residential villas that once lined Grafton Rd, and its prominent position on the edge of Grafton Bridge gives it a high public profile. Over the last few years it has been progressively restored by a community collective, headed by Rosy...

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Winter Lecture: Lopdell House Redevelopment Titirangi

Our first Winter Lecture subject is the Lopdell House Redevelopment Precinct. Architect Julian Mitchell from Mitchell Stout Architects will present on the redevelopment of the heritage Lopdell House, and the new Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, linked to the older building. The Lopdell project required the extensive upgrading of a...

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Walking the Walk – Sunday May 24th, 1.30pm

Karangahape Rd historian Edward Bennett (sponsored by K Rd Business Association) will take us on a ‘historical with Deco leanings’ walk ending up at St Kevins Arcade for afternoon tea (at your own cost) or you can browse the shops in the arcade.  Meeting Place – St Kevins Arcade –...

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