
What about the environment?

Event details

  • Wednesday | September 13, 2023
  • 4:45 pm
  • Bell Gully, Vero Centre, Level 21, 48 Shortland Street, Auckland and available nationally via livestream

The Environmental Defence Society is running a political forum aimed at revealing environment, conservation, oceans and climate change policies of the main parties. Key speakers will explain who will invest in conservation and who will defund it. Will there be more or less pollution? More or fewer extinctions? Who will go hard on climate change? What about bottom trawling and marine protection? And more.

This in-person and livestreamed panel discussion will be moderated by EDS CEO Gary Taylor. Confirmed participants include: Hon David Parker (Labour Party), Hon Scott Simpson (National Party), Hon James Shaw (Green Party), Simon Court MP (ACT Party),  and John Tamihere (Te Pāti Māori).

Drinks and nibbles included, panel begins at 5.15pm. Registration is available for both in-person and livestreaming access. Both options are free of charge but registration is essential.

Register here