The Bishop Selwyn Chapel, opened in 2016, has completed the Holy Trinity Cathedral complex in Parnell, and was the catalyst for the Civic Trust guided tour of the complex on Sunday, 2 September.
We learnt about the history of the various elements that make up the cathedral complex, with the chancel built firstly in the 1930s, followed by the nave in the 1990s, and now finally the Bishop Selwyn Chapel in 2016.
Designed by architects Fearon Hay, it’s won several international awards and was listed in the Religion category in the 2017 World Architectural awards.
Its elliptical Italian gold-leafed roof is complemented by the view of the gold cross by Neil Dawson on the external forecourt, framed by two handsome oak trees. Three walls of the chapel are completely glass, and can be opened up to link with the paved space out in the forecourt and garden. The rose window of the cathedral can also be seen through the top-lit elliptical wedge of glazing between the gold roof and the cathedral wall.
The chapel is much in demand for weddings, funerals, and musical events, as its versatility allows for multiple configurations.
After touring the whole complex, including the magnificent wooden gothic St Mary’s Church, tour participants walked to nearby Kinder House for refreshments and discussion.
Thanks to Board member Margaret Barriball for organising the tour and to our guide, Mariana Nordmark, a volunteer guide for the Holy Trinity Cathedral.