The Board decided to hold the 2023 AGM on 19 November at Ferndale House, a Category II historic place in Mt Albert. 18 people attended, and our guest speaker was Anna Radford, spokesperson for Honour the Maunga, who outlined the heritage of Mt Albert / Ōwairaka, particularly its trees, and her group’s efforts to save the exotic trees amongst them.
The CTA president, Allan Matson, gave his report, which included the submissions the Board has made over the last year (available here) and mention of the launch in March of “The Partingtons and their Mills” and our Auckland Heritage Festival event “For Love of the St James,” which drew interest from more than 160 people. Allan also shared some of the details about the heritage of Ferndale House.
An afternoon tea followed, with time to share heritage and other stories, and to catch up with friends.
Image: Auckland Council