Climate Change & Business Conference – Now to Net Zero

The Environmental Defence Society, Sustainable Business Council and Climate Leaders Coalition are partnering for the first time to kick energy and direction into the transformation that’s needed.  This year’s conference will focus on the central role of the business sector in transforming Aotearoa. It will provide a platform for leaders...

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ECO is celebrating its 50th anniversary at its conference and AGM this year. Lead-in webinars and online meetings will be held on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th  August, with the theme: In Our Hands: Acting for the Future.  More information from Image: ECO

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New Zealand Archaeology Week 2022

New Zealand Archaeology Week 2022 events will comprise of a variety of events around New Zealand, hosted by consultant archaeologists, museums, heritage organisations and iwi, and will include public talks, historic walks, community events and displays. This annual event is organised by the New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA), with the...

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Engage with nature, learn how to be more sustainable and get inspired to take the small steps that make a big difference for our future. Hosted by the Beautification Trust, this free, month-long festival is packed with events and activities for whānau to connect with the environment. Experience engaging workshops,...

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Our Growing City

Auckland Conversation – Our Growing City Understanding the challenges of change in a growing city   Online Panel Discussion In 2022, Auckland Council, like other councils around the country, will make changes to its planning rules to support more housing density around the city centre and town centres and near...

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Te Kupenga: casting a wide net

Friends of the Turnbull Public Programme — 2022 series Chris Szekely and Michael Keith will talk about the book that celebrates the Alexander Turnbull Library’s centenary, ‘Te Kupenga 101 stories of Aotearoa from the Turnbull’, sharing behind-the-scenes commentary on how the stories were selected from Turnbull’s net. Cost: Free. Registration...

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Auckland’s Heritage Counts 2021 – online

Join David Bade, Built Heritage Specialist at Auckland Council, as he presents some of the highlights from the 2021 edition of ‘Auckland’s Heritage Counts’ – an annual compilation of up-to-date statistics and research on Auckland’s heritage places. David began ‘Auckland’s Heritage Counts’ in 2018 with the aim to highlight the variety...

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CTA winter lecture – postponed

Due to the Auckland Level 4 lockdown commencing 18 August, this event is postponed until a suitable date can be found. K’ ROAD WALK & TALK CTA President Allan Matson will talk about the heritage around K’ Road. After the presentation, he will lead us on a walk along K’...

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Secret Lives of Stencils

An exhibition telling the story of an old Kiwi shearing shed practice, which produced some of the country’s earliest export brands that represented New Zealand internationally is being shown at Highwic. Secret Lives of Stencils is an exhibition that celebrates the life and 150-year history of the New Zealand wool...

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