CTA garden party launching “The Partingtons and their Mills”

Civic Trust Auckland will be acknowledging Munroe Graham’s work on the book “The Partingtons and their Mills.” This event is open to anyone but RSPVs to cta@civictrustauckland.org.nz would be appreciated for catering numbers. Food and wine will be served. Image: A Civic Trust Auckland garden party at John Kinder House

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Ōtaki Summer Camp

Ōtaki Summer Camp is a three-day event for young people (17-30) with an interest in politics, justice, anti-racism, equality and the environment.   With global instability and climate anxiety on the rise, opportunities like this – for young people to connect with others who care about the big issues –...

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Tamaki Drive Protection Society AGM

The Society is a locally elected, independent registered charitable trust. Incorporated in 1991 it is supported by donations. Members work for the preservation of Tamaki Drive as an outstanding scenic and recreational resource and as the direct route into the city.  Venue: St Heliers Community Centre 100 St Heliers Bay...

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Notice of AGM

Civic Trust Auckland will be holding its annual general meeting 3pm-5pm on Saturday 19 November at John Kinder House. The agenda is as follows: Welcome Apologies Minutes from the 2021 AGM                                                                                                           Business of the Meeting  To receive the President’s Annual Report To receive the Annual Accounts To elect the members...

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Joint Conference of Historic Places Aotearoa and ICOMOS NZ

“Harsh Reality: Current Challenges For Historic Heritage in NZ” is the theme for this event, to be held in Parnell, Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. The theme addresses the current challenges for historic heritage in New Zealand, posed by significant changes in planning legislation, the consequences of intervention in achieving seismic...

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International Repair Day

Repair Café Aotearoa is celebrating International Repair Day this Saturday, 15 October with six in-person repair cafés across the country and the big online event The Repair Show 10am to 1pm.  You can register here.   This worldwide Repair Day celebrates the strength of community coming together and helping each...

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Pivot Point: Deep Environmental Change – EDS conference

The Environmental Defence Society is excited to announce that Pivot Point: Deep Environmental Change is happening from 30th November to 2nd December at the Grand Millennium Hotel in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland.  The conference will challenge whether the traditional concepts of growth across activities such as tourism, agriculture, forestry, and fishing...

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Auckland Heritage Festival

The 2022 Auckland Heritage Festival runs from 1 -16 October. There are more than 160 events across the region to choose from: exhibitions, walks, talks, tours and activities for children, or look for events marked ONLINE to learn about our heritage from home. It is recommended to check before attending...

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Auckland Conversations Event – Can Auckland count on your vote?

Waitākere Room 1, Aotea Centre, City Centre This Auckland Conversations will bring together a panel of speakers to address why it’s important to vote and how voting can achieve great outcomes for Tāmaki Makaurau. Together we’ll highlight Auckland’s challenges and opportunities and explore how voting has an impact on our...

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