Park(ing) Day

Park(ing) Day is a global event on the third Friday in September, sometimes continuing through the weekend. Parking spaces are repurposed, converted into parks, social spaces, dining rooms, art installations, etc. Streets are reimagined as safer, greener and more equitable spaces.  You can make your own parklet, or wander the...

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Climate Action Week

Fridays for Future are promoting a week of climate action from the 18th to 24th of September. Watch their Facebook page for more details.

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Auckland Heritage Festival

The theme for this year’s festival is Peace, Love and Protest. There are over 160 events across Tāmaki Makaurau, many of them free. The programme can be found here: Hard copies of the programme will be available in early September. The Civic Trust Auckland event is “For the Love...

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Auckland Climate Festival

The Auckland Climate Festival Te Huinga Aahuarangi o Taamaki Makaurau is being held throughout September. More than 150 events will be on offer. They include: Auckland Climate Festival’s free opening event, a dawn ceremony at the Auckland Botanic Gardens, centred around the theme: Ancestor, We. Ngaa hua o Wai. A live...

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What about the environment?

The Environmental Defence Society is running a political forum aimed at revealing environment, conservation, oceans and climate change policies of the main parties. Key speakers will explain who will invest in conservation and who will defund it. Will there be more or less pollution? More or fewer extinctions? Who will...

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Framing Messages around the Climate Emergency

Michael Hanne asks how climate activists can “frame” discussion more effectively to turn public anxiety into upward pressure on government to act. He analyses the presentations of the previous speakers in the Our Climate Declaration series, assembling a repertoire of the most effective devices they use to talk about the...

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This free event will be set up inside the Remuera Library. Continuum is a game where you explore your heritage through conversation and tactile play. Enjoy a digital-free and reflective experience that encourages empathy and connection with others. Perfect for people from all walks of life, including families with kids...

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