157 people expressed interest in CTA’s event in the Auckland Heritage Festival: a tour of the St James Theatre. 59 of them were able to tour the theatre on 24 September.
Allan Matson, CTA president, took the two groups up the grand staircase to the first floor and down into the stalls area. They could see for themselves the state of the building after years of neglect, and hear about the earthquake strengthening work that needs to be done. They were shown the 1928 chair that was sat upon by Queen Elizabeth II or the Duke of Edinburgh, and the opera boxes that were originally in white and gold leaf, and heard the story of two statues that were stolen off their bases. They saw where the projection room and the Nibblenook had been, and could walk along a cobblestone path that dates back to the 1850s.
Those who missed out during the festival will be able to go on another tour, expected to be later this year.
Images: Allan Matson