Organisers of the 2022 Tāmaki Makaurau Zero Waste Awards want to celebrate the mahi of those working to reduce waste to landfill across our city.
Nominations are open from 1 August to 31 August at ecomatters.org.nz/zerowasteawards .
If you know of an unsung hero whose work deserves to be recognised, please put their name forward. Last year, there were 114 nominations.
Award categories
Individuals, groups, schools, businesses and organisations can nominate themselves or work with others to make a nomination in one of the five categories:
Rangatahi Leadership – Rangatahi, rangawhenua, rangatangata: for individuals or groups of rangatahi (young people under 18 years).
Growing the Movement – Whakakanohi i te kaupapa para kore: celebrating local heroes (individuals or groups).
Community Collaboration – Hā ora, Hāpori: businesses or social enterprises who are “walking the talk.”
Cultural Connection – Whīria te ahurea, whīria te kaitīakitanga: individuals or groups using culturally appropriate approaches.
Innovation – Anga whakamua: initiatives demonstrating the circular economy in action.
Image: Auckland Council