Feedback is open until 29 September on changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan to allow for more housing at greater building heights and density across the city.
Known as Plan Change 78, the proposed changes respond to the government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development. This requires the council to enable buildings of six storeys or more within walking distances of Auckland’s city centre, 10 large metropolitan centres, and around rapid transit stops.
With the plan change publicly notified, the government’s new Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) came into legal effect on 18 August, allowing up to three houses of up to three-storeys to be built on most residential sites. The MDRS rules apply to all residential properties, unless there is a ‘qualifying matter’, or exemption proposed for a property, which would limit building heights and density in some areas. Final decisions on the proposed qualifying matters are required by March 2024 at the conclusion of the statutory decision-making process
The Auckland Unitary Plan already enables significant capacity for housing and development. The proposed changes would enable substantially more, creating capacity for housing that greatly exceeds the projected demand in Auckland over the next 30 years.
Submissions can be made here.
Image: Auckland Council