CTA is a member of the Character Coalition and has received the following update:
It has been quite some time since you received an update from the Coalition. After a supreme effort during the Unitary Plan, we needed a while to get over what felt like a trouncing. For some time we felt that heritage and character had been left with little protection. As we watched villas carted off, bungalows demolished and some of the city’s landmark residences threatened, we were further disheartened. Despite that we felt, it was important to keep the Character Coalition in operation and have kept a watching brief on the effects of the Unitary Plan.
This year we face new threats. The Government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) is directing Auckland Council to intensify all parts of the city with major new development that doesn’t require any resource consent. This will have permanent and damaging effects on the city forever. And now the cross-party agreement brings an increased threat even closer. It is a misguided attempt to solve our housing problem. It will not provide any affordable houses, so badly needed by first home buyers, but is likely to destroy the historic fabric of our special character suburbs. You can read our submission on the website.
So the CC is swinging into action to attempt to influence the outcome. Some of you have already been contacted and are presenting to your local board in November.
Click here: update_to_members to read the background and what the issues are.
What can you do?
As a member of the Character Coalition, we ask you to write to your Councillors and Local Board members (or speak to them if you know them personally) telling them that this proposal is unacceptable, and why, and that now is the time for them to stand up for Aucklanders against it.
Click here for Ward councillors and Local Board contact details. It is important that you do that now.
Government has said that the legislation giving effect to its proposal will be passed by Christmas, so there is not much time left for us to influence it.
If possible please send a copy of your letter or email to the Coalition at jaburns@xtra.co.nz so the Coalition has a record of the extent of opposition to the proposal.
If you have any queries about the proposal or would like to help further, please contact our Chair Sally Hughes who is co-ordinating the Coalition’s response to Council and Government.