Since the Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre opened in August 2023, it has diverted more than 110 tonnes of materials from landfill, hosted nearly 50 events with more than 1000 visitors, and had about 200 customers a day visit the recycling shop.
The facility has become a warm and friendly hub where connections are built and individuals, households, neighbourhoods, businesses and communities are helped to adopt climate-friendly practices and transition to low carbon, sustainable lifestyles.
The centre recently hosted a two-week Zero Waste Festival consisting of over 25 events to encourage waste reduction and celebrate its first birthday.
Team leader Christine Wang said, “During the festival, we welcomed more than 600 members of the community at Waiōrea and it’s been so inspiring and empowering for our team.
“Additionally, our partnership with Te Mahurehure Marae has been a significant highlight, particularly in our shared commitment to Zero Waste. Being part of the Marae’s Wellbeing Expo, we truly embodied our guiding whakatauki: Whiria te tāngata, whiria te taiao, kia puāwai ai te ora o te ao (Weave the people, weave the environment, so that the world may flourish).”
Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre is located at 990 Great North Road, Western Springs – opening hours are Thursday to Sunday, 9am to 4pm.
More here.
Image: Auckland Council