On Sunday 12 November, Civic Trust held its 2017 AGM in the Betty Wark Room at the recently reopened Ellen Melville Centre in Freyberg Place, Auckland Central.
The refurbished Ellen Melville Centre, also known at the Pioneer Womens’ Hall, is now a vibrant community centre, with various spaces available for community groups.
The AGM resulted in the re-election of existing Board members, although we farewelled Board member Julian Mitchell. President Allan Matson thanked Julian for his service to Civic Trust over a number of years, particularly with the care of Alten Rd cottage.
Simon Cook, Arboriculture and Ecological Specialist at Auckland Council, presented on “Trees of Central Auckland.” He then answered a great deal of questions on particular trees in Auckland and trees in general.
Members then moved to the Occidental Tavern in Vulcan Lane for refreshments.