Today, the Environmental Defence Society published its briefings for incoming ministers in the coalition government, covering these portfolio areas:
- Hon Penny Simmonds, Minister for the Environment
- Hon Chris Bishop, Minister for Resource Management Reform
- Hon Todd McClay, Minister of Hunting and Fishing
- Hon Tama Potaka, Minister of Conservation
- Hon Simon Watts, Minister of Climate Change
- Hon Todd McClay, Minister of Forestry
- Hon Shane Jones, Minister of Oceans and Fisheries
Key Asks for RM Reform and the Environment
ONE Ensure that the good aspects of the NBEA and SPA are retained in our future environmental laws
TWO Direct new projects of regional and national significance away from areas with high environmental value, using a legislated spatial planning framework based on the existing SPA
THREE Continue with implementation and development of national direction
FOUR Establish a biodiversity incentive scheme
FIVE Continue development of a Climate Adaptation Act
SIX Ensure that institutional reform accompanies any RM legislative reform
Other keys asks and briefing documents are here.