Friends of St David’s Trust warmly invites you, your family and friends to join us for the opening night of Southern Star – Te Tonga Whetu o te Rangi.
Opening night includes live musical performances choreographed to architectural-scale, light artworks by Jeff Smith and Johann Nortje projected onto the historic brick and stone walls of St David’s.
And the release of Southern Star – Te Tonga Whetu o te Rangi the Warwick Freeman artwork, a pin to be worn and treasured by all.
To be unveiled by Phil Goff, Mayor of Auckland on the eve of ANZAC Day 2018.
Tuesday 24 April at 6.30pm sharp
Grounds of St David’s – 70 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton, Auckland
All welcome – please share this invitation – outdoor event dress warmly.
RSVP to contact@RememberThem.nz
For full details and location map see here: