Waterways Protection Fund extended

Nearly 60 landowners and community groups used Auckland Council’s Regional Waterway Protection Fund last year, sharing $800,000 for projects in Franklin and Papakura. That awareness has seen extra money made available to expand the fund this year into Rodney and Aotea/Great Barrier Island.   The Auckland Unitary Plan requires stock...

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Kauri Dieback Strategy plan released

The Government has finally confirmed a National Pest Management Plan to provide nationwide consistency for managing the impact of Phytophthora agathidicida (kauri dieback disease). The May Budget included $28 million for implementation of the plan to protect kauri. The plan came into force on 2 August.   It contains 10 rules...

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National Adaption Plan

The National Adaptation Plan has been released. Urutau, ka taurikura: Kia tū pakari a Aotearoa i ngā huringa āhuarangi Adapt and thrive: Building a climate-resilient New Zealand – New Zealand’s first national adaptation plan.  This document sets out Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-term strategy and first national adaptation plan. The long-term...

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Save Our Suburbs Alliance public meeting

This public meeting at St Matthews-in-the-City on Sunday, 31 July was well attended and has been well covered  in the media. Below are extracts from speeches given by Sally Hughes, spokesperson of the Character Coalition, and Sandra Coney QSO, from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. Councillors who attended the meeting...

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Update on Leys Institute Advisory Group

Leys Institute Redevelopment Plans Close (from August Ponsonby News) The final meeting of the Project Advisory Group for the Leys Institute was held on site at dawn on Thursday 23 June. Coinciding with Matariki, our facilitator Pita Turei spoke to us of the whenua and Matariki, as we gathered around...

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Nominations for 2022 zero waste awards

Organisers of the 2022 Tāmaki Makaurau Zero Waste Awards want to celebrate the mahi of those working to reduce waste to landfill across our city. Nominations are open from 1 August to 31 August at ecomatters.org.nz/zerowasteawards . If you know of an unsung hero whose work deserves to be recognised,...

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Right to repair – petition

Things used to be made to last for years, and there were skilled people who could repair your toaster or electric fan for a fraction of the cost of replacing them. Repair Café are calling on our Government to ensure: Things are easy to repair. Repair services are accessible and...

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Accessible parks

Parks in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area now have a guide to becoming more accessible, following the adoption of key principles of accessible design in parks. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board funded an assessment of 10 of the highest-profile parks in the area by accessibility experts Be. Lab, who...

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A new podcast focusing on Matariki produced by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga is available for the first ever national public holiday celebrating Matariki on June 24. Read Article | Mawehe Atu The 45-minute podcast features interviews with five Māori Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga staff who share their wide-ranging...

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