Save our Trains – petition

A petition on Action Station is calling on the government and KiwiRail to commit to maintaining existing intercity passenger rail services. It also asks for a comprehensive national strategy for future passenger rail services built around concern for climate action and economic development.  KiwiRail, has announced the permanent end of...

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Every Wetland Counts – petition

Only 10% of wetlands remain in Aotearoa-New Zealand, and they continue to be threatened by agriculture, urban development, mining, quarrying, and landfills.  Forest and Bird have a petition asking the government to double the extent of natural wetlands by 2050 and to establish an Aotearoa Wetland Protection and Restoration Plan....

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Auckland Town Hall Tours 2022

Auckland Live has announced the return of the Auckland Town Hall Tours, with sessions running year-round (like the Civic tours) commencing the end of January, throughout 2022. These tours offer an immersive, insider’s look into the workings of the iconic building, its history, shows, backstage stories, and more. Ticket price...

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Heritage toilets get a repaint

The disused heritage women’s toilets in Wellesley Street have, for some years, been in need of above-ground attention. The CTA secretary approached Auckland Council about giving them a repaint, which was carried out late last year, following the removal of rust. The Council staff member who was the liaison person...

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End plastic pollution – petition

14-year-old Nina from Indonesia is calling on world governments to end plastic pollution. This petition has been launched by Avaaz. The world produces around 367 million metric tons of plastic each year, and only 9% of the total plastics ever produced have been recycled. By 2050, the plastic in the...

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The Civic Tours 2022

The Civic Tours will run in 2022 year-round for the first time, starting at the end of January, throughout 2022. The tours offer an insider’s look into the workings of the iconic building, its history, shows, backstage stories, and more.  Ticket price includes a $5 voucher, redeemable at The Terrance...

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Historic Places Aotearoa December newsletter

CTA joined Historic Places Aotearoa earlier this year as an associate member and we are now receiving copies of HPA’s newsletters. The September issue was emailed to CTA members and is uploaded to this page (below), as is the December issue. Heritage New Zealand, the Crown entity that replaced the...

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Goff: Zoning rules not the main constraint

Mayor Goff says Auckland Council backs the government’s objective of building more homes more quickly and the need for intensive development as the city grows. “Aucklanders also wish to retain the best of Auckland’s character and heritage. This needs to be balanced with the need for more housing. “What is...

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