St Stephen’s Church – appeal for funds

On 5 December, a fire damaged St Stephen’s Church in Ponsonby.  The nave was heavily impacted, and the building needs extensive repair. The church is a Heritage New Zealand Category 2 listed building made of kauri. Church Minister Rev. Grant Ridout says, “Many people grieve the loss of the stunning...

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Nitrate in our drinking water

A new report has found that the health of up to 800,000 New Zealanders could be at risk from nitrate in our drinking water. Nitrate is colourless and tasteless. It mainly comes from synthetic nitrogen fertiliser and urine from cows, working its way into rivers and groundwater. High levels of...

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EDS calls for improved landscape protection in resource management reforms

Caring for the Landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand is the final synthesis report from EDS’s 18-month, in-depth investigation into landscape management, co-authored by EDS Policy Director Raewyn Peart, Solicitor Cordelia Woodhouse, Environmental Policy Researcher Dr Deidre Koolen-Bourke, Policy Researcher Shay Schlaepfer and Manaaki Whenua Kairangahau Māori Lara Taylor. Ms Peart...

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World Wetlands Day 50th anniversary

2021 is the 50th anniversary of World Wetlands Day which is held annually on 2 February.  The theme this year is Wetlands and Water. Wetlands include freshwater swamps, bogs, gumlands, pākihi, fens, marshes and seepages. They are a threatened habitat in New Zealand. We have lost over 90% of our...

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Climate Change Commission draft advice

The Climate Change Commission has published their first draft advice on what Aotearoa New Zealand needs to do to meet the scale of the climate crisis, and meet our obligations as a signatory of the Paris Climate Agreement. Public consultation on the draft advice runs from February 1 until March...

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