Kauri dieback update

A significant boost in government science funding to combat the spread of kauri dieback and myrtle rust has allowed a comprehensive and coordinated research programme to get underway within New Zealand’s Biological Heritage Science Challenge. The new programme called “Ngā Rākau Taketake – Saving our Iconic Trees” is focused on...

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Western Springs Forest update

The Waitematā Local Board voted 4/3 yesterday against a resource consent application to fell pine trees in the Western Springs Forest. The Society for the Protection of Western Springs Forest have been working hard to have community views heard on what could happen in this Significant Ecological Area and are...

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Submit against tree felling on maunga

Submit against the felling of mature exotic trees on the maunga. Information here. The Tūpuna Maunga Authority plans to fell nearly 2,000 healthy, mature exotic trees on all the Auckland volcanic cones. The more people who submit against this, the more likely the Authority are to listen. Submissions are due...

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Leys Institute public meeting

Last Wednesday, a public gathering of about 200 local people and other supporters was held outside the Leys Institute to protest its closure. These included members of the Freemans Bay Residents Association, the St Mary’s Bay Association, and Civic Trust Auckland. Addressing the crowd were Richard Northey, the chair of...

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Local Board Plans

Local boards throughout Auckland are starting the process of engaging with the public to review their three-year plans.  One local board says, “We know our community is full of great ideas. Tell us what is important to you and what we should focus on.” Some local boards have organised local...

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Civic Trust AGM 2019

Civic Trust’s 2019 AGM was held yesterday, Sunday 17th November at Kinder House. Following the usual format, President Allan Matson presented his report, highlighting the major activities of Civic Trust in the past year. He illustrated the various issues and events with a slide presentation. Next,  Allan Matson and secretary...

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