A significant boost in government science funding to combat the spread of kauri dieback and myrtle rust has allowed a comprehensive and coordinated research programme to get underway within New Zealand’s Biological Heritage Science Challenge. The new programme called “Ngā Rākau Taketake – Saving our Iconic Trees” is focused on making significant and rapid progress in the fight against kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
With no cure or method of eradication, the spread of kauri dieback is continuing to threaten significant areas of kauri forest, and myrtle rust is threatening many iconic native species (e.g. pohutukawa and ramarama) as well as plants important to primary industries. Work is now well underway on developing a fast track programme to accelerate the critical research needed to combat the spread of kauri dieback and myrtle rust. Urgent new research areas already underway include the development of rapid tools for detection and management and alternative disinfectants to help all visitors have safe and effective ways to keep their footwear, vehicles and equipment clean. See https://bioheritage.nz/research/saving-our-iconic-trees/
Dr Nick Waipara, Committee Member Ngā Rākau Taketake, copy provided in the Friends of Regional Parks March newsletter
(photo: Audrey van Ryn)