Winter Lecture 2: Holy Trinity Cathedral Tour

The Bishop Selwyn Chapel, opened in 2016, has completed the Holy Trinity Cathedral complex in Parnell, and was the catalyst for the Civic Trust guided tour of the complex on Sunday, 2 September. We learnt about the history of the various elements that make up the cathedral complex, with the chancel...

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Winter Lecture 2: Holy Trinity Cathedral Tour

The Bishop Selwyn Chapel, opened in 2016, has completed the Holy Trinity Cathedral complex in Parnell, and was the catalyst for the Civic Trust guided tour of the complex on Sunday, 2 September. We learnt about the history of the various elements that make up the cathedral complex, with the chancel...

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Heartland Heritage at risk in the regions

Bill McKay from the Architecture faculty at the University of Auckland had a very thoughtful discussion on Radio NZ today, about the risk to heritage in the regions, following the legislation enacted after the Christchurch earthquakes. He points out that many heritage buildings in the regions are either empty or...

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Planning Problems for Auckland Council

In recent days Auckland Council has had two planning decisions go against it. Yesterday there was extensive media coverage on the decision by the Environment Court to make over 400 building consents no longer current. Following on from the new rules in the Unitary Plan, council had issued consents under...

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Devonport Cottage new Heritage NZ listing

Heritage New Zealand’s recent listing of this Devonport cottage is showcased on their Facebook page: Over 140 years old, this worker’s cottage is a Devonport heritage classic. Built by master builder Arthur Mofflin – who worked at the nearby Niccol’s boatyard – the newly Category 2-listed house reflects the skills...

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