First Decision on Fast Track Project

The first project approved by a panel under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act is a 24-metre high earth dam on the Kopenui Stream in Northland.  This project involves the construction of water storage and distribution infrastructure in Kaikohe to support the development of Northland’s agriculture and horticulture sector, and...

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CTA AGM 8 November

A dozen members gathered at Kinder House on Sunday afternoon for the AGM and then were privileged to hear Edward Bennett tell stories about the castles that have materialised in Auckland over the years, many of which still exist, notable examples being the High Court, Mt Eden Prison, Fort Takapuna...

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Auckland Council – 10 years together

The following text is from this week’s Our Auckland E-News. This month marks a decade since the eight councils of the Auckland region were merged.   On 31 October 2010, the region’s seven local councils and regional council ceased to exist and, on Monday 1 November 2010, the Auckland Council officially started operating.    Mayor...

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World Cities Day

31 October is World Cities Day and this year the focus is on Communities and Cities.  The Day has a focus on cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.   Sustainable Development Goal 11, is the ambition...

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Ambitious goals for biodiversity in 2020

A new review paper in Science magazine calls for ambitious goals for biodiversity.  “Global biodiversity policy is at a crossroads. Recent global assessments of living nature and climate show worsening trends and a rapidly narrowing window for action.”   None of the 20 Aichi targets for biodiversity it set in...

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Climate change challenges for government

There are lots of environmental challenges ahead for the government. Climate change is one of the biggest ones.  Urgent action is needed in a range of sectors to move New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions on a clear downward path.    A review by the expert Climate Action Tracker (CAT) in...

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Party environment policies

At the RMLA/EDS seminar last night in Auckland, party spokespersons were asked about their environment policies. EDS chairman and the seminar moderator Gary Taylor says that whichever party leads the next government now has its key environment and conservation commitments on record. “The idea was to drill down beneath the...

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