Heritage Images Updated by Mark Bishop

Auckland architect Mark Bishop has a passion for Auckland’s built heritage and he has cleverly combined historic photos with current images of the same locations. His work is featured on the Our Auckland website – see here. Or go to this link via Dropbox. Mark showed these images during the...

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Auckland Heritage Festival 2015

Once again, Civic Trust Auckland participated in the 2015 Auckland Heritage Festival, offering talks by landscape historian John Adam, and our President, heritage expert, Allan Matson. John Adam shared his knowledge of how to undertake historical research using records from the Auckland region, at two sessions on Saturday 3 October and...

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Civic Trust AGM Sunday 22 November

The Civic Trust Auckland Annual General Meeting this year will be held on Sunday 22 November from 3pm in the lecture room at the Leys Institute, 20 St Marys Rd, Ponsonby.  Public transport information is available from Auckland Transport on 366 6400 and there is parking in St Marys Road or in the library’s large...

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Latest Maps show Council slashing heritage protection

On 16 October, councillors and Local Board chairs had a confidential briefing on the latest maps showing historic heritage overlays and the extent of the temporary pre-1944 heritage overlay. According to the Herald, large areas of the pre-1944 temporary overlay, giving protection from demolition without consent, before the new Unitary...

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150th Anniversary of Panmure Bridge

On Sunday 19th October a special commemoration was held for the 150th anniversary of the building of the first bridge at Panmure in 1865. Organised by the Panmure Bridge Planning Committee, headed by John La Roche, it was an informative event, with guided tours of the surviving swing bridge mechanism...

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Are Auckland’s historic buildings worth saving?

Better protection in Auckland Council’s historic heritage schedule is needed for hundreds of historic commercial buildings in the face of both the higher density housing promoted by the Unitary Plan and central government’s more stringent rules for earthquake strengthening. Civic Trust Auckland president Allan Matson fears most of the Trust’s...

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Auckland Heritage Festival 26 September – 11 October

Once again, the Auckland Heritage Festival offers a wonderful variety of heritage-related events over two weeks and three weekends. Do check out the full programme at www.heritagefestival.co.nz Civic Trust is offering talks by landscape historian John Adam, and our President, heritage expert, Allan Matson. John Adam will be sharing his knowledge...

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