Meet Your Local Board Candidates – Waitākere Ward

Te Pae o Kura, Tāmaki, 126 Awaroa Road, Sunnyvale, Main Hall, Kelston Community Centre Tuesday 23 August, 6pm-8pm This is a public event where members of the community can meet candidates who are contesting in the Local Board election.  The candidates will have an opportunity to relay who they are...

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Meet Your Local Board Candidates – Whau Ward

New Lynn Community Centre, 45 Totara Avenue, New Lynn Active Recreation Hall Monday 22 August, 6pm-8pm This is a public event where members of the community can meet candidates who are contesting in the Local Board election.  The candidates will have an opportunity to relay who they are and why...

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Meet the Candidates: Howick Ward and Local Board

Highland Park Community House, 47 Aviemore Drive, Highland Park, Auckland Friday 19 August 2022 2pm-4pm And: Botany Library, 588 Chapel Road, East Tāmaki, Auckland Friday 2 September 2022 2pm-4pm Meet and greet with councillor and local board candidates standing to represent the Howick area, hosted by the Korean Positive Ageing...

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St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association’s AGM

Venue: St Heliers Church and Community Centre, 100 St Heliers Bay Rd   The Association is a volunteer society working to protect and enhance the amenities and features of the community by proactively identifying and addressing the challenges and opportunities the community faces.   Most of the current Committee Members...

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Meet the Candidates community meeting – Kohimarama

The St Heliers Glendowie Residents Association is holding a Meet the Candidates community meeting on September 14th at the Barfoot and Thompson Stadium in Kohimarama, 7-10pm.  The Association would like people to register for the event so they can manage numbers:

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Meet the candidates – Parnell

Parnell Heritage and the Parnell Community Committee have jointly organised a meeting to hear from candidates for the Waitematā and Gulf Ward and Waitematā Local Board areas Venue: Jubilee Building Hall, 545 Parnell Road. A separate meeting at the same location is planned for Thursday 25 August to see the...

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Bike Champions Forum with mayoral candidates

Bike Auckland’s Bike Champions Forum will discuss the future of transport in Tāmaki Makaurau with the key mayoral electoral candidates. Doors open 6pm, discussion starts at 6.15pm and finishes at 7.30pm. Ellen Melville Centre, Freyberg Place, Auckland City In-person and online. Register here. Any queries email here.

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E-waste Drop Off Day

Venue: St Matthew-in-the-City, 132 Hobson St, Auckland City Centre, 9am – 12pm (midday). Drop off your unwanted electrical items so they can be properly recycled – for free. If it has a plug on it, it is considered to be e-waste:fridges, ovens, microwaves, heaters, TVs, computers, phones and speakers. You...

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Coal Range Baking at Highwic 

Experience the smells and tastes of a Victorian kitchen as Highwic volunteers demonstrate traditional recipes on the Highwic Shacklock Coal Range Wednesdays 3 & 17 August, 7 & 21 September, 5 & 19 October, 2 & 16 November Highwic, 40 Gillies Ave, Auckland 1023 Book by emailing or phoning...

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The Threat of Seabed mining: In the Pacific and international waters

This webinar will cover seabed mining proposals in the Pacific and internationally, opposition from Pacific communities, and the alliance of politicians against the threat of seabed mining. Our speakers will discuss the impacts on local communities, the International Seabed Authority’s rush to mining, and the need for urgent political action...

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