Waiatarua Planting Day

Join rangers and volunteers to make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying quality time outdoors.   What to Bring: • Sturdy covered boots or shoes • Weather-appropriate clothes (sun or rain) • Bottle of water • Spades and gloves (if you have them) Note: If you don’t have...

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E oho! Understanding Te Tiriti o Waitangi 

Hear lawyer Roimata Smail talk about her book Understanding Te Tiriti: A Handbook of Basic Facts.  Roimata has devoted her legal career to cases about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. In her book, she has distilled two decades of legal expertise into a short, digestible guide to understanding Te Tiriti. Roimata...

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CTA winter lecture #2

CTA’s second winter lecture for 2024 is a talk entitled “Partington’s Mill in Early Modern Auckland”  by Christopher Paxton, who will showcase some of the many photos the Auckland Library has of the windmill over its long life, two of which are of Kinder’s sketches. Christopher will discuss flour mills...

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Tree planting – Harbutt Reserve

This event is put on by Auckland Parks and Albert-Eden Local Board Everyone is welcome – bring your family and friends. The event lasts for 2 hours. Join Auckland Council rangers and volunteers to make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying quality time outdoors. What to bring: •...

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March for Nature

Greenpeace is organising a march from Aotea Square to protest about the Fast-Track Approvals Bill, which it sees as an attack on nature. Many other organisations are involved, including Forest & Bird, Communities Against the Fast Track, Coromandel Watchdog, Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, WWF New Zealand,...

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Save Chamberlain Park AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Save Chamberlain Park Incorporated will be held at the course, 46a Linwood Avenue, Mt Albert at 4pm on Tuesday 11 June, 2024. AGENDA 1)    Apologies 2)    Minutes of last AGM 3)    Chairperson’s Report 4)    Treasurer’s Report and Annual Accounts 5)    Appoint a person to review the Society’s accounts 6)    Fix subscription...

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Mission Bay-Kohimarama Residents Association AGM

Everyone is welcome. Speakers will cover government, local government and local board news:      Hon Brooke van Velden – MP for Tamaki     Desley Simpson – Orakei Councillor and Deputy Mayor     Sarah Powrie – Orakei Local Board Deputy Chair This is an opportunity to meet and...

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Tagalad Reserve in Mission Bay

Mission Bay’s Tagalad Reserve has been returned to local board ownership and everyone is invited to come and look around, hear about possible uses, and enjoy free kids’ entertainment and facepainting. There will also be a coffee cart and doughnuts. Entrances are at 9 Tagalad Road and 6 Nihill Crescent....

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St Heliers & Glendowie Residents Association AGM

The St Heliers & Glendowie Residents Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st May from 7pm at the St Heliers Church and Community Centre. There will be a brief formal AGM, then guest speakers to talk and answer your questions about local issues: Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson...

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