In the Heritage Festival, tours of the Bishop’s Palace in St Mary’s Bay are regularly sold out. The Catholic Diocesan Centre kindly put on a tour for Civic Trust members and friends on Saturday 10 August. Our special thanks to Narelle Scollay, archivist at the Pompalier Diocesan Centre, and her colleague Trish, for conducting the group of 30 around the Centre and the Bishop’s Palace.
There are many important artifacts held at the site, including a second copy of the Treaty of Waitangi, and medieval illuminated manuscripts. We were also able to appreciate the view of the inner city from the third storey tower.
Following the tour, the group walked to the nearby Mary’s Cafe, for some light refreshments, provided by Civic Trust. The cafe is in the first Ponsonby Fire Station at 15 St Mary’s Rd, listed by Council as a Category B building.
The Bishop’s Palace was built in 1893-4 and is listed Category 1 by Heritage NZ, and Auckland Council Category A.