First kauri dieback prosecution

The man who entered closed tracks in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park in 2019 was today convicted of three offences and fined $5700. Mayor Goff said that, “Flouting rules in place to stop the spread of kauri dieback presents unacceptable risks to the survival of kauri and has consequences …...

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Auckland Conversation 27 May: A Vision for Auckland

A Vision for Auckland: Designing with future generations in mind Watch this conversation here. Auckland’s city centre plays a critical role in the success of both Auckland and New Zealand. In March 2020 a refreshed City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) was adopted by Auckland Council’s Planning Committee. This Auckland Conversation looked at...

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National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund for 2021 opens

The National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund, administered by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, provides financial incentives to encourage the conservation of privately owned heritage places recognised on the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. Applications for 2021 consideration open on 4 May and will close with regional offices of Heritage New...

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Aotearoa Unearthed: Archaeology for Everyone – podcast series

Aotearoa Unearthed: Archaeology for Everyone is a new podcast by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, produced in partnership with the New Zealand Archaeological Association. Eight episodes were released for New Zealand Archaeology Week, April 24-May 2. Katharine Watson, a former president of the New Zealand Archeological Association, said, “The NZAA is...

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Tohu Whenua

Tohu Whenua’s goal is to connect New Zealanders with their Kiwi heritage by promoting significant historical and cultural sites around Aotearoa that offer great visitor experiences. It now has a new-look website.   The website now includes regional stories (the programme currently operates in Te Tai Tokerau Northland, Otago and Te Tai Poutini...

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NZ housing crisis – 1935

“Housing in New Zealand” – 15 min, 32 sec In 1935, there were more than 40,000 families in New Zealand who needed homes. This 1946 film surveys New Zealand housing: from settler huts to Ernest Plischke’s modernist flats. Architect William Page bemoans sun-spurning Victorian slums with their unneeded “elaboration.” Michael...

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CPO Building reopens after 4 years

On 6 April, Auckland’s historic Chief Post Office reopened, to resume its role as the main entrance to the Britomart Transport Centre.  The 109-year-old Category A-listed heritage building now opens onto a new public square on lower Queen Street. The upper levels of the building will be used for offices....

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