Climate Crisis

The digital version of Auckland’s Climate Plan (Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri) is online. CTA was one of the submitters to this plan and our submission is here. The launch of the digital plan was marked by a climate action focussed Auckland Conversation: So, Auckland has a climate plan… now what? A recording...

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Climate Emergency Declared

Today the New Zealand Government declared a climate emergency. The motion in the House passed by 76 votes to 43. New Zealand is the 33rd country in the world to declare a climate change emergency. The declaration acknowledged that over 1800 jurisdictions in 32 countries have already declared a climate...

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First Decision on Fast Track Project

The first project approved by a panel under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act is a 24-metre high earth dam on the Kopenui Stream in Northland.  This project involves the construction of water storage and distribution infrastructure in Kaikohe to support the development of Northland’s agriculture and horticulture sector, and...

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CTA AGM 8 November

A dozen members gathered at Kinder House on Sunday afternoon for the AGM and then were privileged to hear Edward Bennett tell stories about the castles that have materialised in Auckland over the years, many of which still exist, notable examples being the High Court, Mt Eden Prison, Fort Takapuna...

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