St David’s Windows Shine for Anzacs

The windows of St David’s Memorial Church in Khyber Pass Rd were ceremonially lit up on the eve of Anzac Day at a very moving event, organised by the Friends of St David’s Trust. Opening with a procession by soldiers and a piper, the attendees heard from church authorities, the...

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Parnell Railway Station now open

On Monday the new Parnell Railway Station was opened, and trains are now stopping at the station. See here for Bernard Orsman’s Herald article on the opening. Waitemata Councillor Mike Lee, a passionate advocate for rail, also spoke and recognised Parnell Heritage stalwart Luke Nuie, Cheryl Adamson from Parnell Inc,...

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Parnell’s Heritage Railway Station

The new Parnell railway station sees the restoration of the 108 year old Newmarket station building. Once under threat of demolition, the building is being reused for the new station, and has now been placed in position. It’s exterior is being refurbished by Kiwirail, with assistance from Dave Pearson Architects....

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Coalition Unitary Plan Appeal fails

On Monday 13 February High Court judge Justice Whata released his decision on the appeals to zoning in the Unitary Plan. The Character Coalition’s appeal against the late upzoning og 29,000 residential properties was denied, along with most of the other zoning appeals. See here for the Coalition’s press release...

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