Action on Leys Institute

After nearly 4 years, there is positive action on the Leys Institute Library and Gymnasium. At its October meeting, the Waitematā Local Board accepted a recommendation from Auckland Council to proceed with the final designs for the restoration of the Leys, and to start the resource and building consent process....

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Auckland’s Heritage Counts – 2023

The 2023 Auckland’s Heritage Counts, compiled by David Bade, has been put on the Auckland Council website here, along with past editions and related research reports. This edition is in a poster format. The aim of Auckland’s Heritage Counts is to raise awareness of Auckland’s heritage, and to highlight the...

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Cat Management Act

Forest & Bird has called for the government to introduce a national Cat Management Act, with the mandated registration and desexing of pet cats to protect wildlife throughout the country. There are an estimated 1,134,000 pet cats and 196,000 strays in New Zealand. There is no data on feral cats,...

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Global Ocean Treaty – petition

After years of campaigning, the first ever Global Ocean Treaty has been agreed. Now governments need to sign it into law in order to create these sanctuaries and secure the future of the oceans. You can add your name to call on the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta, to...

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EDS Political Debate

On 13 September, a discussion organised by the Environmental Defence Society revealed party policies for the environment and conservation. Hon David Parker (Labour), Hon James Shaw (Greens), Hon Scott Simpson (National), Hon John Tamihere (Te Pāti Māori) and Simon Court MP (ACT) were questioned by EDS CEO Gary Taylor. The...

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Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre

This local community hub in Western Springs for reusing, repurposing and recycling goods was opened on 11 August. It is the 12th recycling centre in Tāmaki Makaurau. The recycling centre is located in a heritage building at 990 Great North Road where extensive remedial work was required. The refurbishment was...

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The Big New Zealand Climate Action Survey

People often talk about climate action being urgent, as well as about the possibility that adequate climate action might require significant social change. This research is exploring how these questions shape people’s decision-making for climate action, in the hope that it can support reflection and discussion about effective and just...

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Hauraki Gulf marine protection proceeding

Last week, the government announced that 17 new marine protected areas and extensions to two existing marine reserves in the Hauraki Gulf will proceed This will help restore the overall productivity of the Gulf, including enhancing fish production. . The Gulf has been experiencing long-term declines in biodiversity, depletion of...

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