Biofuels Obligation Bill dropped

The government has dropped their Biofuels Obligation Bill. The most likely outcome of the Bill would have been extra food being burnt as fuel, driving tropical deforestation and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Fuels obtained from organic material can be used to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. However, they can also...

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Shot Tower demolished

The Colonial Ammunition Company Shot Tower in Normanby Rd, Mt Eden, a Category I and Category A heritage item, has been demolished. It had stood for 109 years and was the last remaining 20th century tower of its sort in Australasia. The tower was built to produce lead ammunition as...

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The Partingtons and their Mills

Civic Trust Auckland is pleased to announce the publication of the book The Partingtons and their Mills by past Board member and past President, Munroe Graham. The book is due to be officially launched in March, but copies are already available for sale, having arrived in the country this month....

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COP 15 (UN Biodiversity Conference)

The world’s nations have reached a historic agreement to protect the world’s biodiversity. The Kunming-Montreal Global biodiversity framework negotiated at COP15 during December has resulted in countries agreeing to protecting 30% of land and water by 2030. The main points include: Maintaining, enhancing and restoring ecosystems, including halting species extinction...

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Supporting vulnerable mātauranga Māori

Twelve grants of up to $25,000 each have been made available through Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga to marae, hapū, whānau and Māori community groups for projects that support the revitalisation of mātauranga Māori relating to ancestral landscapes and Māori built heritage. Six grants are under Ngā Riu o Ngā...

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ECO turns 50

ECO turned 50 this year! The Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand is a network of groups that work together to share information, empower each other, support others, and tackle environmental and conservation issues. This year, they have updated their website to make it more user-friendly and effective. You...

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Queen Street upgrade

25 November marked a milestone in the life of Queen Street, as the upgrades from Mayoral Drive to Shortland Street are complete, and Aucklanders and visitors can experience a more people-friendly, green and spacious street. Auckland Council, in collaboration with Auckland Transport and mana whenua, has converted traffic lanes into...

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Consumer NZ Right to Repair Petition

Consumer NZ have launched a petition with the same demands of the petition presented in July to to Minister Parker by Repair Café Aotearoa New Zealand. They say: Unrepairable products cost you and the planet, and we are the only country in the OECD without e-waste regulations. That’s why we’re...

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