Preventing seabird bycatch

The Ministry for Primary Industries is reviewing the rules for preventing seabird bycatch in the surface longline fishery.  Some of the species inadvertently captured are already threatened or at risk of extinction. There are proven techniques fishers can use to reduce the number of seabirds caught. Forest and Bird have a...

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Support for native bees

John Kinder House, with support from the Auckland Botanic Gardens, has become a botanical pollinator sanctuary for bees and other pollinating insects, to ensure the continuation of plant populations. Native bees are some of the visitors to the garden around the house. There are 28 species of native bees in...

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New site for Erebus memorial

The Ministry of Culture and Heritage is now seeking a new site for the Erebus memorial instead of Sir Dove-Myer Robinson Park. “It’s been a team effort to defend a taonga that could not defend itself,” Dame Naida said. “No one opposes a memorial to those lost at Erebus. The...

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Corban’s Estate NZ Heritage listing event

A listing recognition event was held last month for Corban’s Winery and Mt Lebanon Vineyards (Former), now a Category I historic place.  Founded in 1902 by winemaking pioneers from Lebanon, it has  outstanding significance for demonstrating the key contribution of migrants from outside northern Europe in the development of this...

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Feedback on Auckland Council’s Annual Budget

41,146 Aucklanders had their say on Auckland Council’s proposed Annual Budget 2023/2024, the largest amount of feedback received for any public consultation by the council. The feedback will now be considered by the Governing Body and local boards as they work through final budget decisions. The full regional feedback report...

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Plant natives, remove pest plants and animals

Help save Tāmaki Makaurau’s backyard birdsong by planting native plants in your backyard to create a secure environment for our native birds to move around in. Find out about planting natives in your backyard. Add diversity with native plants. See more. Clear your backyard of pest plants, particularly moth plant,...

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Ban bottom trawling

Yesterday, hundreds of people gathered at Mission Bay to call for an end to bottom trawling in the Hauraki Gulf – Tīkapa Moana. There were people on yachts, dinghies, waka, kayaks and paddleboards and on the beach. The Hauraki Gulf is a national treasure. Once abundant, the gulf has been...

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Global Plastics Treaty – petition

Next month, world leaders will recommence negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty. Plastic pollution is flooding our planet, harming people’s health, accelerating social injustice, destroying biodiversity and fueling the climate crisis at each stage of plastic’s lifecycle. This Greenpeace petition calling for a strong global plastics treaty now has over...

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Waste system changes

The government recently announced a new waste strategy, new waste legislation, and changes to improve household recycling and food scraps collections. On 18 April, one of several webinars on this topic was held by the Ministry for the Environment, an “Overview of new waste legislation + strategy and kerbside changes.”...

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