Civic Trust AGM 2019

Civic Trust’s 2019 AGM was held yesterday, Sunday 17th November at Kinder House. Following the usual format, President Allan Matson presented his report, highlighting the major activities of Civic Trust in the past year. He illustrated the various issues and events with a slide presentation. Next,  Allan Matson and secretary...

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Auckland’s Heritage Counts 2019 now released

David Bade, Specialist in Built Heritage Policy, from the Heritage Unit at Auckland Council, presented the latest Auckland’s Heritage Counts 2019 to heritage enthusiasts last evening. The event was suitably held in the heritage Council Chambers in the Town Hall. The audience heard about how Aucklanders value their heritage and...

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Heritage Film Evening Devonport 21 November

From Heritage NZ’s monthly email newsletter:   Two short documentaries that take an inside look at two unique restoration projects on Auckland’s North Shore will feature at the Devonport Heritage Film Night at The Victoria Theatre on 21 November The first is an award-winning restoration of the historic Chapman Taylor...

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Mission Bay Development Consent Declined

A plan to build a $200 million high rise housing and retail block on Mission Bay’s beachfront has been refused resource consent because it would be too tall. The proposal by developers Urban Partners would have seen Mission Bay given a major facelift but would have required the demolition of...

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