Fight over Queen Elizabeth Square

The privatisation of Queen Elizabeth Square for a commercial development is being challenged by the Auckland Architectural Association, which wants a rethink of the deal. They would like to see some of the square retained for public use, to protect significant sightlines and to prevent wind tunnels. See this Herald...

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Residents join forces to save Remuera home

Residents in Seaview Rd, Remuera, have joined forces to fund a judicial review of a resource consent to demolish a 1920s grand bungalow.  Despite council heritage experts recommending the demolition consent be declined, planning staff went ahead with a non-notified consent to demolish. This was overturned in the High Court,...

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Out of scope upzoning rejected by councillors

At marathon full council meeting yesterday, lasting seven hours, councillors voted 13 to 8 to withdraw the evidence to the Hearings Panel on the latest proposed changes at shown in the maps released in December. This included the unpopular and undemocratic out of scope upzoning that blindsided the residents in...

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Unitary Plan backlash for Council

Auckland Council’s recent upzoning out-of-scope submissions, further to the original notified plan in 2013, have been raising concerns throughout suburban Auckland. The increased intensification is considered a breach of natural justice, as people who did not put in a submission to the original notified plan have no ability to participate...

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Heritage Groups united at Unitary Plan Hearings

On Thursday 4 February, heritage groups from all over Auckland spoke with a united voice at the Unitary Plan Hearings.  The Panel are considering Topic 079 – Special Character and Pre 1944 Mapping. The Character Coalition made a strong presentation, with statements from chair Sally Hughes, evidence from heritage architect...

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