Encouraging news for the Leys Institute

There is encouraging news for the Leys Institute, a Category 1 and Category A building in St Mary’s Bay which was closed on 20 December. In outlining the board’s work programme for 2020/21, Waitematā Local Board Chair Richard Northey said: “We’ve requested that the Governing Body contribute proceeds from the...

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Has DoC lost the plot?

There is serious concern in conservation circles that the Department of Conservation is losing its way and allowing conservation values – even in national parks – to be subsidiary to catering for tourists and other visitors, to allowing for commercial activities such as mining on conservation land, and for safety...

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Winter Lecture – Castles – 30 August

Civic Trust Auckland’s winter lecture on the theme of Castles will be held on Sunday 30 August from 3pm at Kinder House, 2 Ayr St, Parnell. Edward Bennett, architectural designer and historian, will present an illustrated talk on castle architecture in Auckland, including such buildings as Firth’s Castle, Fort Takapuna,...

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Greenpeace wins High Court charity case appeal

On August 10, the High Court ruled that Greenpeace is entitled to register as a charity and that the Charities Registration Board was in error for declining the environmental campaigning organisation’s application. In a summary of the judgement posted online today the High Court says “Environmental protection is a charitable...

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Pre-election Political Forum 17 August

The Environmental Defence Society and the Association for Resource Management Professionals have arranged a political forum to explore the environment, conservation and climate change policies of the main political parties. Leading into the election, this event will enable invited party representatives to participate in a moderated panel discussion focused on...

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The Future of Building One, ex Carrington Hospital @ Unitec

Have your say at the Open Day Point Chevalier Library August 8th, Saturday 10-4pm Workshops and Information Day Carrington Hospital Community Feasibility Study -“A new lease of life for asylum” Share your ideas and vision here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CommunityBuildingOne https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Buildingoneartshub Imagine Carrington Hospital’s Building One in Point Chevalier activated as a cultural...

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Thank you from Forest & Bird

CTA recently donated $200 to Forest & Bird and received a thank you email which is summarised as follows: Thank you so much for taking action to protect the wildlife and wild places that you love here in Aotearoa. Over 2500 people like you, who care about our natural environment,...

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Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget

CTA’s submission on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 consultation was one of 34,900 – the highest number of submissions received on a consultation since the council’s formation in 2010. The feedback will be reported back to the council’s Finance and Performance Committee on 8 July. Decisions will be made on 16...

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